Your Goal: Convert more of your website visitors into paying customers/clients. Duh.
Your business needs to have a website, no matter what industry you’re in. Because the reality is, people are going to look up your business to see what you’re all about on the baby computer that lives in their pocket or purse (their phone!) before they ever meet you, schedule an appointment with you, or visit your business.
It’s VITAL to have a clear presence online.
Whether you wrote your website yourself or outsourced the content to someone else, when you look at your own website, of course you know exactly what everything you read there means. After all, it’s YOUR business. You already know what your business offers, how to get it, and how good you are at it. But does everyone else?
If you confuse, you lose.
Within 5-7 seconds of pulling up your website, can visitors tell what your company does, how it will change their lives, and what they need to do to buy it?
If the answer is no, it’s time to rewrite your website copy.
Why most businesses fail at website copy
It’s a classic mistake. Most businesses write their website about themselves. If you’re a business owner, and your website is all about you, I’m probably wondering — what’s in it for ME? News flash: your business is not about you. It’s about your customers. What problem do you solve for people? Do you enhance pleasure, or do you alleviate pain? No matter what your business does, your customers need to know exactly what you offer by visiting the home page of your website. Don’t make them guess, make it obvious! You’re doing your business a disservice if you try to get too clever or cryptic. There’s a time and a place for that, and it’s not at the top of your home page.
What makes website copy convert
Customer-focused language. Remember, it’s not about you.
A clear, concise offer. Less is more. Simplicity triumphs over complex. If you just can’t help yourself from writing a novel, hire a copywriter! Don’t make your customers guess what your offer is or how they can improve their lives by buying it.
Strategically placed call-to-action buttons. People need to be prompted. What do you want them to do? Don’t make them guess. Create buttons for them to click with a very clear action that you want them to take. Be bold! Be clear. Don’t be scared to tell them what you want them to do.
What makes website copy not-so-great
Too many words. Paragraph upon paragraph of content will have your website visitors clicking on to your competition without giving your business a second thought.
Not placing your most important information above the fold (the top of your website that people see without having to scroll). What if they don’t scroll? Then your message gets missed completely. Show them what you’re about at first glance.
A vague offer that leaves them scratching their heads wondering what the heck your business actually does.
Copy that’s all about you (remember, it’s all about them). This can be challenging, but with the right lens, it’s possible to turn around your copy to say the same thing in a different way.
How do you get results?
Just like proofreading your own writing can be a challenge, writing about your own business is tricky. If you are looking for someone to:
Hire a copywriter.
Conversion-focused copywriters are trained in the principles and techniques that will increase your conversions and boost your sales. It’s never too late to get your website working for you, producing results, and turning your fans into paying customers.
Want better email open rates, higher conversions, and more profit in your pocket? Yeah, you do. Learn how to improve your email game in this guide.
Good vibes only, promise.